Pitney Bowes W360 Tabber System

Product Description
The W360 Tabber system has some of the most advanced features for a tabletop model to help prepare self-mailers and booklets for delivery. This dual head tabber provides several tabbing applications and stamp affixing in one system.
This tabletop system tabs a variety of documents and promotional material including:
• Flyers, newsletters, and booklets
• Applies 1.5-inch tabs to booklets on the open edge, while at the same time placing side-to-side tabs; meeting USPS requirements
• The ability to apply tabs to the top and side of a mail piece simultaneously, and the ability to apply tabs on opposite sides of the same piece (side-to-side tabbing in a single pass)
The W360 is a robust tabber with a standard feeder that is great for tabbing newsletters, double postcards, letter size booklets, tri-fold brochures, and other open ended self-mailers. Applies triple, double, or single tabs and can also apply stamps to make this system productive and efficient. This fast tabber can tab up to 25,000 pieces per hour and offers an optional conveyor stacker to organize and handle the output.